Saturday, July 25, 2009

Baby, Baby, Baby...

Bee Girl Stance by samax. click to enlarge
our daughter Marley will turn one year old in september (9/9/09). we are commemorating the occasion with a birthday party and inviting people over to eat snacks, play games, and watch Marley smash up her birthday cake. i drew this drawing a few weeks ago of my little Bee Girl (the theme of the nursery is bumblebees), and will likely use it for the invitations and keepsakes from the party.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Play Nice, Ladies...

while we're getting our act together here at RockPaperSoul, i figure it'd be cool to share stuff that might help people out! my friend Cal Slayton did the cover artwork for this book The Alternative Bride's Guide to Wedding Games by Kathryn Calhoun, which has tons of games for receptions, bridal showers, bachelorette parties, gift-opening brunches, and more! This book also includes 175 wedding trivia questions, 50 photocopiable pages of game cards and quizzes, plus dozens of bonus ideas and game variations so you can truly put a personal touch on your big day!
love, peace, etc

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